Why Credit Benchmark?
Independent consensus credit data provides clarity within the Fund Finance market
Credit Consensus Ratings are utilised for a variety of financing solutions including subscription finance, NAV financing and GP financing.

How we can help your business
LP Look Through for Revolving Facilities: Credit Consensus Ratings provide transparency into the quality of LPs when there is little to no ratings information available.
Net Asset Value (NAV) Financing: High degree of Credit Consensus Ratings on underlying companies. 90% of Credit Benchmark’s coverage is currently unrated by traditional ratings agencies.
For firms entering the subscription finance markets, consensus data can help to plug an informational gap where a lack of a strong sponsor relationship may slow deal progress.
Understanding the creditworthiness of funds and entities when evaluating the underlying collateral base for GP and LP Financing vehicles
Case Study
The Client
A major European bank.
The Challenge
A large proportion of the client’s LP list were publicly unrated creating challenges around the accurate assessment of the credit risk.
The Solution
Following a coverage check, Credit Benchmark were able to provide robust coverage on the portfolio of interest, providing ratings on the names the client was unable to get a traditional rating agency rating for.
In Numbers
Entities with Credit Consensus Ratings
Bond and Loan Rating Assessments, Representing $34+ Trillion Outstanding
Risk Observations Feeding Into Weekly Data Updates
Credit Risk Observations Collected Since Launch in 2015
Industry & Sector Indices
Countries Covered
Major Global Banks Contributing, Almost Half Are GSIBs
Credit Analysts Contributing Risk Views
Of Universe Unrated by Traditional Rating Agencies
Of Corporate Universe Are Private Companies
The Benefits of Consensus Credit Data
Rating the unrated
Unparalleled coverage of public and private issuers; filling the gaps left by traditional ratings agencies.
Free from “issuer-pays” conflict and any bank bias.
Real-world exposure
Driven by the credit views of >40 of the world’s largest regulated banks, almost half of which are GSIBs.
Identify that entity
Risk data is processed through a sophisticated purpose-built mapping engine.
The consensus is refreshed weekly to provide dynamic indicators of potential credit risk changes.
Alerting and monitoring
Assess risk over the lifetime of a transaction.
Secure reporting
Ease of internal integration within reporting.
Expanding footprint
A unique growing global dataset.