Products & Tools
Credit Benchmark provides a data-driven view of credit risk, offering coverage, granularity, and collective insights not available anywhere else.
Credit Consensus Ratings, Indices & Analytics are an entirely unique product backed by real-world market sentiment. Instead of being based on the ‘issuer pays model’, this product represents the views of those with ‘skin in the game’.
The Credit Benchmark Web App
The Credit Benchmark Web App is a secure, online visualization platform which offers users the unique ability to access and analyze the full Credit Benchmark rating universe. Permissioned users can also use the Web App to compare their own organization’s credit risk estimates against the consensus ratings.
The Web App is designed to easily access:
✓ Comparisons and trends across entities, sectors, and geographies
✓ Credit Consensus Ratings on individual entities
✓ Portfolio monitoring and alerting on the names that matter most to you
✓ Positioning of your own estimates against the consensus (if provided)
Entity-Level Risk
Credit Consensus Ratings
Credit Consensus Ratings provide a unique measure of creditworthiness on 110,000+ counterparts and borrowers across emerging and developed markets, based on inputs from 40+ leading global financial institutions, almost half of which are Global Systemically Important Banks (GSIBs). 90% of the entities covered are otherwise unrated, or private entities, providing an unparalleled perspective of risk and liquidity.
Credit Consensus Ratings are supplemented by descriptive analytics and reference data that provide insights into the underlying credit views that make up the consensus.
Historical charting allows you to benchmark trends — the Credit Consensus Rating vs. your own estimate over time.
Macro- Level Insights
Credit Indices
Credit Indices are macro-level risk indicators that offer the ability to compare credit trends and distributions across more than 170 countries and close to 200 industries, sectors and sub-sectors.
Over 1,200 trend-tracking, forward-looking Credit Indices are available, reflecting Credit Benchmark’s expanding universe of 10 million credit risk observations contributed annually from the world’s leading financial institutions. The Credit Indices therefore provide insights into the real-world risk views of the world’s most experienced risk takers.
Leveraging our comprehensive set of indices allows for investment professionals to construct precise and representative Correlation- and Transition Matrices, which more appropriately reflect the true risk dynamics within the market.
Security-Level Ratings Assessments
Bonds & Loans
Credit Benchmark, in partnership with Bloomberg, offers rating assessments (notching) for bonds and loans issued by 40,000+ entities with Credit Consensus Ratings.
This service combines Credit Benchmark’s Credit Consensus Ratings with Bloomberg’s security reference dataset to create security-level rating assessments for approximately 130,000 bonds and loans amounting to $34+ trillion outstanding.
This service combines both Credit Benchmark and Bloomberg data and technology. As the resulting Rating Assessments are at the security level, the Bloomberg platform provides the perfect distribution mechanism.
Analytical Tools
Monitoring, managing and mitigating your risk
Below are some of the different functionalities via which Credit Benchmark’s products and services can be accessed and the benefits they offer:
Correlation Matrices
Credit Transition Matrices
Watch List & Surveillance
Monitoring & Alerting
My Portfolio
Client Analytics
Now Available: Credit Risk IQ
Credit Benchmark’s Credit Risk IQ reports show how credit risk is evolving across a wide range of dimensions.
These monthly reports contain forward-looking analyses of default risk across 5,000+ sectors, spanning various geographies and industries, with rated and unrated, and privately and publicly owned entities.
Credit Benchmark delves into the credit risk behaviour of entities within each industry to help you identify key trends and signals at a macro-level.
Delivery channels to fit your workflow
Web Application
- Portfolio monitoring and alerting
- Analyse and monitor industry or geographical trends
- Entity-level drill-down, descriptive analytics, and peer comparison
Excel Add-In
- Incorporate consensus data into existing spreadsheets and models
- Pre-built template library
- Convenient and fluent graphical interface to create and edit filters to query the database
- Comprehensive flat file
- Incorporates your internal identifiers and reference data for efficient data mapping
- Structured file format for quick transfer into users' own system
Direct / API
- Web services Enterprise API
- Structured data model
- High-performance, flexible delivery mechanism to support in-house built solutions
Third Parties
- Third-party channels including Bloomberg Terminal and Enterprise Data License
- Data marketplaces including AWS Marketplace
Book Demo
Credit Benchmark offers entity-level Credit Consensus Ratings on over 110,000 counterparts and borrowers globally, alongside an extensive suite of analytical tools and products.
Please contact us to request a full service demo and learn how Credit Benchmark helps risk professionals manage their capital and risk more effectively and efficiently.