David Carruthers


Prolonged Credit Turbulence for Global Airlines

Air travel is currently running at about 50% of its pre-pandemic peak and the sector still faces uncertainty from new virus variants, patchy tourism traffic and a shift in business travel norms. While many Global Airlines are unrated by traditional agencies, consensus credit risk data shows that 80% of the sector is below investment grade – but some remain good credit risks.

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Credit Strength Dampens Wildfire Risk for US Electricity Firms

Wildfires are growing in intensity and frequency, and in the US are sometimes attributed to outdated electricity infrastructure, presenting a legal hurdle for companies in the sector. Addressing these issues requires investment, and companies with stronger credit ratings are better placed to fund the necessary capital spending. This note looks at the credit profile and recent trends for 371 US electricity companies.

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Fallen Angels and Rising Stars: Credit Volatility Persists

Credit volatility remains in the picture for global corporates. The latest consensus data show increases in both the number of Fallen Angels – companies that have seen their credit scores fall from investment-grade to high-yield status – and Rising Stars – companies that have risen from high-yield to investment grade.

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Credit Trends: Focus on Australia

Australia has so far weathered the Covid storm in reasonable shape, and is one of the few Sovereigns rated AAA by the three largest traditional rating agencies. A credit consensus rating of aa+ reflects a slightly more cautious Bank view. This research analyses a number of Australian industries, sectors and companies to demonstrate the Covid effect on national credit quality comparative to global trends.

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Global Credit Recovery Gathers Pace

As vaccine rollout varies globally, it is clear that the economic bounceback from Covid will be led by the largest and most developed economies. Overall vaccination figures show that the global pandemic is far from over; but trends in the credit consensus are already giving some clues to the shape of the expected global economic recovery.

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Sector Risks Revealed in Fallen Angels and Rising Stars

The Fallen Angels and Rising Stars Monthly Monitor reflects shifts to and from investment-grade and high-yield status for global corporates. While corporate credit risk has been improving across many industries, data from individual sectors may provide a clearer picture of trends in the months ahead.

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Trade Credit Risk and Supply Chains: The Post-Pandemic Landscape

Supply chains and trade credit are now critical in a post-COVID world. With disruption the new status quo, trade volumes are likely to fluctuate in the coming months. Though technology is helping to create more flexible supply chains. there is a long way to go to repair the damage from COVID. It is more important than ever for businesses to understand the end-to-end credit risk of their supply chains. This whitepaper demonstrates how credit consensus ratings provide part of the solution.

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Credit Case Study: 5G and Satellite Internet

The post-Covid economy will be increasingly dependent on telecoms to keep its supply chains running. Telecoms firms have been investing heavily in 5G but the rise of satellite internet may provide competition for established providers. This report analyses the credit position and recent trends for some key 5G firms.

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