David Carruthers


Office Property and Co-working: The COVID Effect May Persist

Co-working fills an obvious gap in the office property market, and the sector has seen exponential growth since its inception in 2005. But with a global pandemic and a possibly permanent downshift in demand for city center office space, can the co-working model survive? New consensus data shows that co-working credit quality has been one of the hardest hit segments in the office property space.

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Vaccine in Sight – Sectors to Watch

An effective COVID vaccine may be in sight, and some sectors could see major improvements in their credit quality after the major financial damage caused by the virus. But which sectors have held up well, and which have been heading towards serious trouble?

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The Solvency Boundary

Consensus credit data suggests that in times of crisis, the “Solvency Boundary” between investment-grade and non-investment grade credits is more fluid than during non-crisis times. The implication for bond and equity investors is that in the current environment, not all BBB issues are the same.

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Fallen Angels: Growing Numbers Signal 2020 Default Spikes

Rating agency downgrades have hit unprecedented levels over the past few months, but the majority of the downgrades have been for companies that were already classed as high yield. Fallen Angels – companies that cross the boundary from Investment Grade to Junk – are still in a minority, as agencies (and their corporate clients) display an understandable reluctance to avoid the “BBB cliff”.

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