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Mid-July Industry Monitor

Download the Mid-July Industry Monitor infographic below. Credit Benchmark have released the mid-month industry update for July, based on a partial subset of the contributed

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Basel IV Rules: The Impact Upon Capital Markets and the Securities Finance Industry

The forthcoming Basel IV regulations present a large-scale challenge for the securities finance industry. A new paper by Credit Benchmark outlines the cost ramifications of new rules limiting banks’ use of internal rating models for RWA purposes and the introduction of 100% RWA for unrated obligors.

The purpose of this paper is to help raise awareness of these regulations, to highlight their potential impact and to issue a call to action.

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All Reports, News & Insights

June End-of-Month Credit Update

Download full June End-of-Month Credit Update infographic below. Credit Benchmark has released the latest end-of-month consensus credit data (from May 2020), based on the final

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