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‘Fallen Angels’ in Hard-Hit Travel Sector Stage a Recovery

As one of the industries most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, 44% of global Travel & Leisure companies with a Consensus rating fell from investment grade to high yield in 2020. Some of these companies have shown resilience however, with nearly 10% of these ‘fallen angels’ migrating back into investment grade at a later point in the year.

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Last Year’s COVID Waves May Lead to This Year’s Default Tsunami for UK Corporates

Government support for UK businesses is due to end in early 2021, leaving many at-risk companies in debt. A significant increase in default rates may be observed as credit becomes less available. New research from Credit Benchmark shows that UK corporates have a ~20% higher chance of defaulting in 2021 compared to a year ago, suggesting that 1 in 150 companies will default this year.

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End-December Industry Monitor

Download the End-December Industry Monitor infographic below. Credit Benchmark have released the end-month industry update for December, based on the final and complete set of

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