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March 2021 Industry Monitor

Download the March Industry Monitor infographic below. Credit Benchmark have released the end-month industry update for end-February, based on the final and complete set of

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US Hotels: Hardest Hit by COVID but Some Recovery in Sight

With lockdowns easing and vaccinations picking up pace, a major slug of pent-up cash is likely to make its way into the hard-hit leisure sector. Hotels have suffered, but relief is on the horizon – which major names have struggled the most, and which sit in a stronger position?

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March 2021 Financial Counterpart Monitor

The Financial Counterpart Monitor from Credit Benchmark provides a unique analysis of the changing creditworthiness of financial institutions. The report, which covers banks, intermediaries, buy-side

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COVID Crisis Continues to Shuffle the Deck on Corporate Credit Quality

The COVID-19 crisis continues to spark a great deal of volatility in corporate credit sentiment. The ranks of Fallen Angels (companies that have fallen from investment-grade to high-yield status) and Rising Stars (from high-yield to investment-grade) have
fluctuated over the course of the last 12 months.

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