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Credit Spotlight on Global Oil & Gas
Credit risk was volatile for Global Oil & Gas producers in 2024 and global supply is expected to exceed demand in 2025, subject to strong geopolitical influences. This analysis from Credit Benchmark reviews global credit trends across a range of Oil & Gas sectors with a view to the year ahead.
ESG and Credit in Oil & Gas and Industrials
ESG credentials are more important than ever, and are instrumental in driving key business and investment decisions. For listed firms, it can determine their suitability as an investment and ultimately their funding costs. This paper looks at the link between ESG profiles and credit risk for Oil & Gas and Industrial firms, suggesting that for companies seeking credit, it pays to be green.
Global Insurance in an Era of Heightened Risk
After two tumultuous years, the global insurance market has proven its resilience, but challenges of the “new normal” are increasing. A new whitepaper examines the state of global insurance in an era of heightened risk, focusing on regional and sector trends alongside single company examples.
Supply Chain Crisis: Chip Shortages Drive Semiconductor Credit Boost
Global semiconductor sales are growing at 30% YoY and with recent disruptions to production and trade flows, electronic companies have had to accept significant price hikes to maintain supplies. Semiconductor firms are enjoying strong credit quality as a result – this report examines industry trends and single firm case studies.
Home Construction: US Credit Outpaces UK Despite Supply Shortages
The post-pandemic “race for space” is driving strong demand for housing globally, and shortages of construction materials and, in the UK post-Brexit a lack of skilled workers, have seen new house prices boom. This report compares credit trends for US and UK home construction firms with company-specific examples in each region.
EC Capital Proposals: Low Profile, High Impact
Contentious pending Basel rules have led critics to warn that higher risk weights for unrated corporates and funds will lead to a dramatic increase in bank capital requirements and an overall reduction in lending activity. This analysis examines the breadth of impact on the thousands of high quality entities that are not publicly rated.
Are Trucking Companies Winning From Supply Chain Strain?
Freight and logistics companies have found the silver lining to ongoing supply chain issues, with some reporting record quarterly revenue and operating income. This report analyses credit trends for North American and European trucking companies, highlighting some company-specific examples including TForce, Penske, Wincanton and Woodland.