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All Reports, News & Insights

Not Immune: Fed Hikes Will Hit Some Key UK Sectors

The Fed is taking an aggressive approach to rising inflation with predictions of imminent rate hikes, and some UK sectors will feel the flow-on impact harder than others. This report shows the historical impact of Fed rates, among other factors, on the credit quality of UK Corporate sectors.

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US Office Market: Recovery From Pandemic Slump

Flexible-office operators providing short-term leases suffered more during the pandemic than traditional office lessors. However, a new hybrid working model is seeing demand for flexible, short-term offices and meeting rooms increase once more. This report analyses the credit performance of US Industrial & Office REITs against global trends.

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Global REITS: Slow to Recover After Major Pandemic Downgrade

The “race for space” is driving up land prices while supply chain issues are pushing up the cost of newbuilds. Cities are slowly returning to some form of normality but existing offices are still operating under capacity and new offices are struggling to find tenants. This report analyses the credit profile of global Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) against global Financials and Corporates.

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Russia – Ukraine Credit Shock Hits European Food Producers

The war in Ukraine has already had a dramatic impact on the global food trade with Russian aggression damaging global food supplies, and the fertiliser industry is also due to feel the pinch. EU Food Product firms are taking the hit, with a 4% drop in credit quality in the last month. Consensus data will continue to track the effect of the war on sectors and companies, rated and unrated, across the globe.

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Gender Diversity and UK Corporate Financial Health: Stronger Credits Have More Female Board Members

In 2011, FTSE350 boards were 91% male – since then, a target of 33% average female representation has been achieved. Corporate diversity has been proven to improve performance, and consensus credit data shows that firms with more women on their board are also a better credit risk. This report analyses credit performance for companies that do and do not meet the 33% target.

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